Jan 26, 2008

two tylenol extra strengths

there's too many things in my short term memory right now. and it's killing me, literally
right now i've got: socials up there. a bit of chem (mostly stoichiometry). engrishhhh. useless law information. religion shit. the 3 new verb tenses we learned in 5 minutes (seriously) for french. last minute math shit mrmillward taught us. jbs dance piece. fuckin americanos, macchiatos, lattes, mochas
................................................. fuck.

the short term memory has a finite capacity. it has a memory span of (on average) seven items. so i guess that's why i've been getting those killer headaches/migranes/whatever i've exceeded my limit. tylenol doesn't help, neither does advil, sleep doesn't cure it..
i need a break


missa. said...

or you could use some .... too. hahahah

missa. said...

don't you mean who am i doing? HAHA jkjk. uhhh im chiiiiilin with mr man:) haha mr man..

annd umm you're the one that said after exams!

A Therese said...

fucking hell tin, a day never goes by at work where i don't mess up on a drink/s:(

& i don't even got soichio or any of that shit my head somewhere!>=(