Jul 24, 2010

walk on, girl!

i used to enjoy picking on people that thought too highly of themselves. well not enjoy, but rather, try to bring back down from the pedestal they placed themselves on.

until one day, i thought "why?"

why was it necessary for me to feel like i had to do that? if people posting pictures on their facebook with the captions "i love me" or "i look so pretty in this picture" makes them happy then who am i to tell them they can't? who are they hurting by making themselves feel good? not me.

(unless the captions are something like "i'm prettier than all my friends" then there might be a problem.)

i'm going to try as best as i can to stop being so judgmental especially if what i'm judging doesn't even affect me in the first place.

if an 300 pound girl wants to wear a bikini and heels, walk around downtown and feels good about it then walk on girl! you have my support ;)

1 comment:

ckp said...

"if an 300 pound girl wants to wear a bikini and heels, walk around downtown and feels good about it then walk on girl! you have my support ;)"


if it ain't broken don't fix it